Contribution of Society & Livelihood

The solar cold storage contributes to society & lively hood in the following way

Farmer Income

Increased income and quality of life for marginalized farmers

Reduce Carbon footprint

Reduces the carbon footprint caused by post-harvest losses, a significant source of human-induced emissions that provide no benefits.

Innovative Modern Technology

Provides access to Innovative, affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern technologies to marginalized communities

Farmer Participation

Elevated farmer participation and decision-making capacity in the value chains

Job creation in rural areas

Solar Cold Storage help to create jobs in rural areas.

Elevate the Nutritional Value

Solar-powered cold storage will enhance the nutritional well-being of rural marginalized communities by minimizing post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables, ensuring greater access to fresh and healthy produce.

Food Security

Helps in preserving perishable crops, reducing post-harvest losses and extending the shelf life of produce so it will improve food security for marginalized people and consequently increase their socio-economic status.